CUHK 50th Anniversary Fair Public Lecture Series

Strategies for building successful brand image
Professor Chan Chi Fai Andrew
27 July
Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library

In the face of intense competition, companies need to actively deploy branding strategies in addition to improving service quality. This will help them stand out in the market and realize a sustainable development. During the lecture, Professor Chan introduced important concepts and theories in branding and identified key strategic issues for building brand image. A brand is not just about logo or a name; it represents complete business identity. Therefore, a successful brand is vital to the company’s development. However, building a successful brand image can be a very difficult task due to the challenges in the process. Companies must tackle the challenges to develop its unique image and identify a distinctive position. Professor Chan also discussed how to map out branding strategies in order to meet present and future challenges.

To view the programme schedule of the 50thAnniversary Fair, please click here.

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