Events Calendar

3 January
CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia Launch Ceremony
On January 3, 2013, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) jointly announced the launch of the CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia (Gaia), as the first celebratory event for the 50th anniversary of...

3-5 January
Conference on the Forty Years of Environmental Protection in China
The Conference on the Forty Years of Environmental Protection in China was made possible through the generous support of HKJC Charities Trust.
The past four decades have seen tremendous social and economic growth in China, but a multitude...
3-5 January
International Conference on Foodways & Heritage
On January 3-5, 2013, the Anthropology Department, CUHK, co-organized the “International Conference on Foodways and Heritage: A Perspective of Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage” with the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the University...

5 January
Innovation Edge - The Case of China Merchants Securities
In an engaging and entertaining presentation, Prof. Wilson Wan drew on the experience of famous entrepreneurs as well as his own leadership experience at various banks to bring out practical advices on business innovation and globalization...

10 January - 19 May
'From the Treasure House: Jewels from the Library of The Chinese University of Hong Kong'
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and to showcase the collections of rare books in the University libraries, the University Library System and the University's Art Museum are mounting a joint...

19 January
Faculty of Education Public Lecture
On January 19, 2013, Professor Lau Siu-ying, Patrick delivered a lecture entitled “A Passage to Sichuan: A Journey to the Heart” at Ho Tim Building, CUHK. It introduces and summarises the counselling training Prof. Patrick Lau has been...
27 January
CUHK 50th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony • Walkathon and Carnival
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) turns 50 in 2013. To commemorate this significant anniversary, the University held the ‘CUHK 50thAnniversary Kick-off Ceremony • Walkathon and Carnival’ on 27 January, initiating an exciting...

29 January
CUHK 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture by Professor Philip Zimbardo on “My Journey from Evil to Heroism”
The Chinese University of Hong Kong is privileged to have invited Prof. Philip Zimbardo, Professor (Emeritus), Department of Psychology, Stanford University, as a guest speaker for the University's 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture....